How Tubing on Deep Creek Works
We get a lot of questions about how Deep Creek tubing works. Tubers rent their tubes, hopefully from JJ's Tubes, and then transport the tubes from the place they rented the tubes up to the park where the best tubing is.
Pretend you made an awesome choice and rented your tubes at JJ's. We will then tie your tubes down to your vehicle securely and provide you with some general Deep Creek tubing information. You will then drive a little less than a mile and enter the National Park. You will stay on that road for another quarter of a mile or so before the road dead ends at a parking lot. Park your Car in the lot. Parking can be problematic on busy days, but we will give you some advice what to do on those days.
After Parking, you will grab your tubes and walk up Deep Creek trail for about 1/2 mile until you see a sign that reads "No Tubing Beyond This Point." Put your tubes in at that point and tube back to the parking lot where your vehicle is parked. You can do this run as many times as want.
Deep creek is divided into 2 parts. As you are walking up the trail from the Parking Lot you will notice a bridge about 1/3 of a mile up the trail. From the bridge on up to the "No Tubing Beyond This Point" sign the water is a little rougher. Teenagers and adults will love this part of the ride, but smaller kids may not like it as much. The water from the bridge down to the Parking Lot is normal and suitable for any tuber. The only real danger of tubing the top part is when "Devil's Dip" knocks you off your tube, but you have really experienced Deep Creek tubing unless you have been flipped off your tube at Devil's Dip!
Ask JJ's staff about which part of the Creek you should tube. They will be more than happy to point you in the right way!
Pretend you made an awesome choice and rented your tubes at JJ's. We will then tie your tubes down to your vehicle securely and provide you with some general Deep Creek tubing information. You will then drive a little less than a mile and enter the National Park. You will stay on that road for another quarter of a mile or so before the road dead ends at a parking lot. Park your Car in the lot. Parking can be problematic on busy days, but we will give you some advice what to do on those days.
After Parking, you will grab your tubes and walk up Deep Creek trail for about 1/2 mile until you see a sign that reads "No Tubing Beyond This Point." Put your tubes in at that point and tube back to the parking lot where your vehicle is parked. You can do this run as many times as want.
Deep creek is divided into 2 parts. As you are walking up the trail from the Parking Lot you will notice a bridge about 1/3 of a mile up the trail. From the bridge on up to the "No Tubing Beyond This Point" sign the water is a little rougher. Teenagers and adults will love this part of the ride, but smaller kids may not like it as much. The water from the bridge down to the Parking Lot is normal and suitable for any tuber. The only real danger of tubing the top part is when "Devil's Dip" knocks you off your tube, but you have really experienced Deep Creek tubing unless you have been flipped off your tube at Devil's Dip!
Ask JJ's staff about which part of the Creek you should tube. They will be more than happy to point you in the right way!